Friday 15 September 2017

Rome - A City Trapped in Time

Rome, Italy


The historical city of Rome,is a must see for anyone with an eye for past civilizations and modern architecture. The former home of the powerful Roman empire this city is not one to miss. Take a walk along the old cobblestone walls and bridges created hundreds of years ago and take a step back in time into a new world. With all the food in the world, terrific people and the chance to witness some of mankind's greatest achievements it's no wonder many have Rome at the top of their bucket list.

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The Colosseum, Rome

Things To Do and Places To Visit

Colosseum: How could you visit Rome and not see the infamous Colosseum? Perhaps the best-preserved of the monuments of ancient Rome this incredible marble structure can hold more than 50,000 spectators so make sure to bring lots of friends to fill it up.

Pantheon: A visually inspiring 2000-year-old temple is another stunning piece of Roman history preserved in all its glory. Today, the temple acts as church, where it is open for visitors to travel through its massive bronze doors and gaze up at one of the largest concrete domes ever built to this day. A truly unmissable, unique experience for any eager traveler.

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Trevi Fountain: This creative water masterpiece features an ensemble of mythical figures and wild horses is not one to miss. The fountain now gleams brighter than it has for years after the restoration project made in 2015. For visitors the tradition is to toss a coin into the water supposedly ensuring that one day you will have the chance to return to Rome – on average about 3000 euros are thrown in every day.
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Trevi Fountain

Places To Eat:

La Pergola: A divine Italian cousine based restaurant located in a luxurious hotel with panoramic city views from the rooftop this restaurant is unmatched in a quality evening.
La Gatta Mangiona: How could you visit Italy and not taste the original pizza maker's creations? This is the place to go for those authentic Italian dishes we have all come to love. With a friendly vibe and relaxing atmosphere don't pass up the opportunity to visit this slice of heaven.

Food To Try:

Tagliatelle al ragu: long, flat ribbons of pasta served with a sauce of minced meat simmered with sofrito, milk, and a tiny amount of tomato, topped with Parmigiano cheese. There's nothing better to eat after a long day roaming the city streets of Italy. 

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Tagliatelle al ragu
Cheese: This is an experience unlike any other. Cheese is so simple yet so tasty so where do we even start? There are so many cheeses produced in Italy, some regionally specific, some widespread, all undoubtedly delicious. These are a few of the local favourites gorgonzola, mascapone, scamorza, and taleggio

Things to Avoid or Look Out For:

Time: When you are in Italy you may feel like you have all the time in the world, but this is so often just not the case. You may have scheduled a tour around the Colosseum at 1pm but haven't even entered the Colosseum until 2pm. This is a general rule whilst travelling to unfamiliar locations but so many forget to leave more than enough time to experience Italy at its finest. 

Wearing Revealing Clothing: There are many ancient and highly religious places you may visit whilst in Rome and most will not let you into the more sacred areas wearing revealing clothing. It is best to not disrespect the local traditions by wearing longer sleeved tops and avoiding singlets or other more revealing clothing. 

The Place to Stay:

Hotel Navona is the recommended place to stay with a wide selection of rooms available for all travellers with any budget and a nice location that is easily within walking distance of public transport and local cousines.


The flights from Sydney to Rome are around the $1500AUD mark for a return flight.

Overall Opinion:

With the countless attractions to explore and the divine, unique culture that Rome has to offer this destination is among the top places to visit in the world and a well deserving 4.5/5 stars.

-Emerson Brown

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